jueves, 10 de mayo de 2012

Pocatello Rotary Club

Luego de 4 presentaciones en Pocatello, el IGE se dirige a Idaho Falls. Esta foto es con Jody Jackman la presidente de Pocatello Rotary Club donde nos presentamos por ultima vez. Estamos muy contentos de estar representando a la gobernador, al distrito y al pais y generando lazos de amistad con el distrito 5400.
After the 4th presentation in Pocatello, the GSE team is ready to go to Idaho Falls. In this picture, you can see Jody Jackman, the actual president of Pocatello Rotary Club, where the GSE made the last presentation. We are really happy to represent the governor, the district and the country and creating friendship with the district 5400.

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